Freight Management System: Challenges and Current Solutions Part 2

A modern freight management system is necessary to not only keep up with present day business challenges, but also to maintain a competitive edge. That is how CocoonOPS can help.

If you have read part one of this blog post series, you will understand the importance of using freight management software. You will also realise that traditional freight software options have numerous drawbacks. These drawbacks reduce productivity levels, increase costs, and ultimately hurt your bottom line.

Fortunately, you don’t have to stick with traditional, outdated systems. It is possible to upgrade your situation – and gain numerous benefits in the process – with one solution: CocoonOPS.

The benefits of using CocoonOPS transport management software

CocoonOPS is a comprehensive transport management system that has been built with traditional logistics software in mind. With our TMS, we have identified disadvantages that exist with other systems, and have developed a tool that avoids the same pitfalls – along with adding extra features to improve performance across the board.

For information on why our solution solves the issues of existing freight management system software, as well as why it’s a well-rounded software package, here are the benefits of using CocoonOPS:

100% cloud-based

Are you using a freight management tool that isn’t based on the cloud? If so, you are missing out on a lot of positives – ones that are present with CocoonOPS. Due to being 100% cloud-based, you enjoy enhanced flexibility and reliability when using our software. That’s not all. Cloud technology also improves security, efficiency, performance, and a whole lot more.

Automate tasks

Numerous advantages are gained through automation, including greater efficiency and accuracy. Our tool allows you to automate a range of tasks, saving you time and money when managing freights.

Easy to use

A freight management system can be complex and difficult to fully comprehend. That is not the situation with our FMS. We have taken extra care to build CocoonOPS with ease of use firmly in mind.

Real-time shipment tracking

You want to remain in the know with your shipments. The good news: you don’t have to wait hours or even minutes for updates. Our software supplies you with real-time shipment tracking, allowing you to know exactly where your vessels are at any moment.

Achieve your sustainability goals

Along with a demurrage & detention calculator, CocoonOPS also features a carbon emissions calculator. This calculator is useful in ensuring your business is able to achieve its sustainability goals. By measuring the carbon emissions of each shipment, you are able to accurately gauge the amount you have to offset.

To further help with your efforts to protect the environment, carbon credits can also be purchased directly through our platform.

Customer portal to improve satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a priority for any business. With our customer portal, you are in a better position to achieve that goal. Clients are able to access all the information they could need, whether it is up-to-date information about shipments or access to documents.

Easy integration

Don’t worry about losing time or inefficient data management. CocoonOPS has been built so it can easily integrate with third-party software such as Customer Relationship Management tools.

The solution to outdated freight management systems

Your current freight management system has been a trusted, valuable component of your company. Yet it is time to evolve. It is time to switch to a new freight management solution that allows your business to improve, grow, and ultimately bring in more profits.

That solution is CocoonOPS. To get a head start of the crowd, stay in the know about our upcoming release date by clicking the link to sign up to our mailing list.

Ⓒ CocoonFMS® Ltd 2025. All rights reserved. Registration No. 12818706 | VAT Number: GB 356755169 Trade mark No: 3474188.
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